Contact Boulder Pass

Ron Cavuto
dba Boulder Pass Development
Hudson NH

Phone: 603-594-3712

About Boulder Pass

About Boulder Pass

Boulder Pass Development is a New Hampshire contract application development service. It is the creation of a contract consultant with over sixteen years of experience in developing solutions for clients. I’m Ron Cavuto, and Boulder Pass Development is my company. In my sixteen years of development, I have worked with large clients ranging from the major banks of Toronto to security-clearanced work for the United States Air Force. I specialize in SQL Server database and ASP.NET web application development.

I’ve started Boulder Pass in order to build modernizing solutions that utilize the many exciting data technologies available today. Boulder Pass specializes in creating Website Extensions that allow you to enhance your existing website with powerful custom-developed web application and database solutions, while leaving your current website undisturbed.

Past Development Work

Some of my past projects have included:

Pink Revolution of NH Women’s Cancer Support Nonprofit, Manchester NH
Built and hosted Website Extension powered by MS SQL and .NET. This site extends the WIX site already in use, using headers and navigation that make the pages on this Website Extension indistinguishable from the base website. Application tracks volunteers, allowing users to sign up for events and receive confirming/reminder emails. Admins are able to track all activity of signed up users and the specific tasks they are able and willing to perform. Admin functions include the ability to download data to Excel sheets. Custom web application built using ASP.NET, C#, CSS, JavaScript and SQL Server on the back end.

Bain Capital, Boston MA
Performed critical upgrade of over one hundred SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) Packages from version 2008 to version 2016. Project was extremely urgent due to Microsoft’s deadline of year-end discontinuance of SQL Server 2008. The SSIS packages were of critical use throughout Bain Corporation, as they gathered financial data from the many financial vendors used by Bain. Packages had to be largely rewritten, as the automated upgrade process could not successfully duplicate previous version 2008 functionality to 2016 version functionality. All packages had built-in code modules— none were exclusively data flow objects; this required code changes. Additionally, the new SQL environment separated database servers from application servers, causing old Bulk Insert commands to fail. Led efforts to organize the upgrade process and to devise scripts enabling the Quality Assurance team to test data in varying ways without modifying the code in the tested SSIS package. Work was in SQL Server 2008 and 2016 and Visual Studio. Collaborated with vendors to coordinate data downloads to new server information. Coordinated with Bain management and the offshore team in daily online meetings.

Hanscom Air Force Base, Lexington MA
Enhanced and maintained internal .NET web applications for the 551st Wing of the Electronic Systems Center of the US Air Force. Approximately 30 applications were used for ESC Wing/Group/Squadron organization. The applications were developed and run on a range of web technologies, including Visual Studio 2008/2003, .NET Frameworks 1.1/2.0/3.5, ASP.NET versions 1.1 and 2.0, and ASP; back-end database is SQL Server 2000. All applications make heavy use of SQL Server T-SQL stored procedures and triggers.

Pioneer Investments, Boston MA
Database developer on team that built an investments analysis tool for fund managers starting a new derivatives mutual fund. The analysis tool collates industry financial data from external data vendors and manipulates the data into time series format for financial analysis. Extensive ETL processes that pulled in years of data for thousands of instruments was gathered, imported and manipulated, amounting to many millions of rows of data. Work involved DTS importing and manipulating historical data with T-SQL UNPIVOT command within a SQL statement that had to be dynamically generated to allow for changes to selection of columns for analysis. Heavy optimization work was necessary to maintain performance of multi-million record data sets. Work was done in SQL Server 2008 R2, in an Agile, scrum team development environment. Extensive documentation was created for functional and detailed technical description of process.

FRS Global, Littleton, MA
Implemented FRS software products on site at large financial institutions throughout US and Canada. Implementation work included configuration and customization of software on client servers, and training for users. Modified RiskResolve .NET application UI .aspx and .ascx pages to conform to client needs. Custom modifications made to Oracle and SQL Server databases through script creation in T-SQL and PL/SQL as well as data file imports, including the use of SQL Server Data Transformation Services (DTS). Preparation of custom reports included VBA coding of custom Excel spreadsheets, and Microsoft Access reports databases to format and aggregate application output data for client needs.

CompTIA Security+ Certified Professional
Secret Clearance
.NET Certification - Daniel Webster College, Nashua, NH

A comprehensive resume and references are available upon request.

The Boulder Pass Name

It’s been called the most beautiful hike in the National Park System. The Boulder Pass metaphor is a reference to the real Boulder Pass and hiking trail on which I’ve trekked in Glacier National Park, Montana.

The Boulder Pass Process

The Contract
Boulder Pass provides both on-site and remote programming services. The contract length will be estimated during a free on-site evaluation to determine the scope of your project, which will be described in the Boulder Pass written contract. Development costs will be capped at 40 hours per business week. Any additional work, provided at the discretion of Boulder Pass, will be provided free of charge.


As part of its service, Boulder Pass provides free Hosting. Boulder Pass maintains a bulk hosting account at InterServer.NET, a Secaucus NJ web hosting provider with data centers in Secaucus, New Jersey and Los Angeles, California. InterServer started in 1999 and manages over 500,000 VPS Servers and Websites. It offers Shared, VPS, and Dedicated hosting. It is widely reviewed positively for its 99.9% uptime guarantee and its extensive security features.


At the conclusion of the contract, Boulder Pass will provide detailed technical documentation that describes fully the work completed. It can serve as a resource for current users and future technical staff.


Follow-up support is always available and Boulder Pass guarantees its work: if any issue occurs in the application due to developer error, it will be fixed free of charge. Additional enhancement work will be developed under a new contract.

A Continuing Relationship

The Website Extension created by Boulder Pass serves as a foundation on which you can build unlimited applications as your business needs change. Additionally, Boulder Pass will be developing additional application resource tools in the future. These will be made available to existing clients through on-site development and through this Boulder Pass website.